Magus Productions recently completed a song with an international flavor.
A Canadian producer heard one of our original tunes, and contracted Magus to
write a Hindi rap song, 'Love is Life' that will be released in India music markets first,
then made into a music video for international distribution through streaming sources.
"We like a challenge," said Bryan Minton, music producer at Magus. "In this tune,
we had to visualize the video sequences, then create the melody to flow with the script
outline. And, there were specific writing requirements for the lyrics in English and Hindi."
Using a collaborative approach with the client, Magus worked through four versions of lyrics, testing their impact on female listeners. "I watched Bollywood videos on YouTube to get the best word choices," explains Georgie Rhein, a staff writer at Magus, "Bryan and I learned a lot about Indian music instruments - I loved the tabla percussion that sounds like a heartbeat."
The end result is a Hindi rap song for women, encouraging them to take the lead and dance!
Get ready to move your feet as you enjoy 'Love is Life'